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This is the Economic Empowerment Unit, a division under Service Delivery Pillar Number Two in our organization's Theory of Change, focused on the reentry of formerly incarcerated women.


Job Training and Placement Programs

Economic Paths

Offer training in construction, culinary arts, textile, beauty and salon, and green energy through the Clean Star Production Hubs.


Partner with local businesses to provide apprenticeships aligned with our economic tracks.

Job Placement Services

Connect with partners who are open to hiring formerly incarcerated women.

Entrepreneurship and Small Business Support

Business Development Workshops

Partner with consultants to provide training on business planning, marketing, and financial management.

Microloans and Grants

Offer financial support to start small businesses, with guidance on managing and growing these businesses.

Mentorship Programs

Connect Women with successful entrepreneurs for guidance and support.

Financial Literacy and Education (Advanced Level of the Ufunuo System)

Budgeting and Saving Workshops

Partner with consultants to teach skills for managing personal finances, including budgeting, saving, and credit management.

Supportive Employment Services

Transitional Jobs

Create short-term, subsidized employment at the production hubs, serving as a bridge to permanent work.

Support Networks and Peer Support Groups

Peer Mentoring

Facilitate peer support groups where women can share experiences, challenges, and strategies for success.

Community Partnerships

Build relationships with community-based organizations that can provide additional resources and support.

Safe Housing

Transitional Housing

Plan to establish facilities providing temporary accommodation while women search for permanent housing, including support services like job training, counseling, and life skills education.


Percentage reduction in recidivism

Holistic healing of women girls and children

Successful reintegration of women girls and children

Increase in the number of women who have economically been empowered

Increased number of production hubs that are set and functioning

Institutional expansion


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Cleanstart Africa LOGO

Clean Start Africa is an award-winning social enterprise. Our mission is to work with women, girls, and children impacted by the criminal justice system, to restore dignity and hope for successful reintegration.

Contact Us

0769062913/0735535164 (NRB)

0769066872 (Kisumu)

Highview Lane, Ridgeways