Children and Girls

Home / Our Solutions

Our vision is the successful reintegration of children and girls back into the community. The 'Prison to Home Transition ' program aims to strengthen families by supporting mothers and their children who live in prison together to reconnect with their communities and families. This program aims to enhance family bonds, improve the well-being of both mothers and children and facilitate successful reintegration into society upon release.


Develop Programs

Prepare children in prison for their transition back into their communities, ensuring their well-being and smooth reintegration.


Provide mentorship opportunities for girls within the criminal justice system.

Linkages and Referrals

Connect beneficiaries with psychosocial support experts for holistic well-being and empowerment through scholarship opportunities.


Address and visualize the gaps in the criminal justice system impacting children and girls, influencing policy change at the national level

Support Networks and Peer Support Groups

Peer Mentoring

Facilitate peer support groups where girls who have come out of rehabilitation centres and children of formerly incarcerated women can share experiences, challenges, and strategies for success.

Community Partnerships

Community Partnerships: Build relationships with community-based organizations that can provide additional resources and support

Key Activities

Use Case Management to:

1. Identify the child/girl

2. Assess the child as we do the family tracing

3. Develop and implement a case plan

4. Re-unite the children/girls with their families and communities

5. Regularly monitor and review the case

6. Ensure sustainable reintegration and case closure


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Cleanstart Africa LOGO

Clean Start Africa is an award-winning social enterprise. Our mission is to work with women, girls, and children impacted by the criminal justice system, to restore dignity and hope for successful reintegration.

Contact Us

0769062913/0735535164 (NRB)

0769066872 (Kisumu)

Highview Lane, Ridgeways