The Movement

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Sisters on the Outside (SOTO) is the movement that serves as a robust coalition of formerly incarcerated women, dedicated to more than just advocating for the rights of Formerly Imprisoned Women (FIW). It represents a solution encompassing the creation of a safe and nurturing environment, fostering healing, and a sense of belonging for these remarkable individuals. By offering holistic support, empowerment programs, and initiatives tailored to their unique needs, the movement addresses the multifaceted challenges faced by FIWs, facilitating their rehabilitation, empowerment, and successful reintegration into society. SOTO is thus the vehicle for the Movement Building Pillar. It was officially launched on December 2, 2023, during the Beyond the Bars Conference.


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Clean Start Africa is an award-winning social enterprise. Our mission is to work with women, girls, and children impacted by the criminal justice system, to restore dignity and hope for successful reintegration.

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0769062913/0735535164 (NRB)

0769066872 (Kisumu)

Highview Lane, Ridgeways